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By MiShaun Taylor
It can be frustrating and even embarrassing to realize that you have caught head lice. Not only are they annoying and irritating, but they itch, itch, itch! Many people do not want to use over-the-counter medications for head lice, so here are some great tips for home remedies.
Anise oil, geranium oil, ylang ylang oil and eucalyptus oil are all natural insecticides or repellants. Take of a cup of olive oil and then place 6 to 10 drops of one of these oils with the olive oil. This dilutes it to prevent irritation from the potency of the full essential oil. This can be placed all over every strand of hair and the scalp and then left for 30 minutes to an hour. Once you have allowed this mixture to stay on the head, utilize a fine-tooth comb to thoroughly go through the hair.
Mayonnaise and petroleum jelly can both be utilized for effective head lice removal. Coat the hair and scalp in one of the two and be sure to thoroughly saturate each strand of hair. Place a shower cap over the head, and either wait a few hours or allow the infected person to wear this overnight. When you’re ready, rinse out the mayo or petroleum jelly. This may be a bit difficult and may take several shampoos. Sprinkle flour on the head for easier removal. Next, cover the hair with a normal conditioner. While the conditioner is in the hair, comb with the fine-tooth comb. Remove any dead head lice or nits (eggs) that you can find. Then, thoroughly rinse the hair again and go back through the hair with the fine-tooth comb.
In order to kill head lice on hairbrushes, combs, hair accessories, and similar items, place them in your sink. Stop the sink with a plug and boil some water in a tea kettle or pot. Place a few drops of eucalyptus or geranium oil in the sink with the items and pour the boiling water into the sink until it covers them. Allow this to soak for 30 minutes to an hour, and the head lice should be dead. You can also opt to trash all of these items and purchase new ones.
Wash sheets, blankets, pillowcases, mattress pads, stuffed animals, scarves and any other washable item that might be infected in hot water. When they have washed, dry them in the dryer on the hottest setting for 30 minutes to an hour. This helps prevent re-infestation.
Explain to your child why they shouldn’t borrow someone else’s comb, hairbrush, helmet, hat, or other things that might be infected. When they know not to do these things, you can reduce their risk of becoming infected in the first place.
In conclusion, no one likes head lice but there is a great chance that you or someone you love will get them. By utilizing the above mentioned home remedy tips and tricks coupled with intensive cleaning efforts and an ounce of prevention, you can effectively get rid of head lice without medical interventions. After all, you owe it to yourself to get rid of that head lice by ending the infestation cycle.
About the Author: MiShaun Taylor is a published author and owner of
. This informative website provides readers with quality information about home remedies, over-the-counter and prescription medications for treating lice. In addition, you’ll also find louse and lice removal products that work.
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