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By Tommy Engan
Did you know that we have a lot more in common with camels than you thought? Humans share a survival trait with camels that is great news for camels, because it keeps them alive. For us, however not so great news, as it causes puffy eyes and dark under eye circles. Try all you might to get rid of your puffy eyes and dark under eye circles, but until you learn and apply this secret, you are spinning your wheels.
Are you ready for the secret? OK – the one trait humans share with camels iswater retention! You see, when your body doesnt get proper hydration, it works like a camels hump; storing water for the long trip across the desert plains. But instead of a camel’s hump, you’ll develop water reserves around your eyes, which translates into puffy eyes and dark under eye circles.
In addition to storing water, toxins also form under the eyes if you dont drink enough water (that’s why most people look puffy eyed the day after drinking heavy, as alcohol dehydrates). In time, without regular hydration, your eyes start to get that dreaded old look.
The solution couldnt be simpler: Keep yourself hydrated drink water! When you do, your body doesnt go into survival mode and won’t puff up/darken under your eyes. To start seeing a significant reduction of these symptoms, drink 8 or more ten-ounce glasses of water every day.
Sounds easy, doesnt it? almost too good to be true; drink water and lose your puffy eyes and dark under eye circles but it isnt. The problem is this: most folks arent disciplined enough to do this, so they never enjoy the great benefits it offers. Theyre usually off to a great start, but in time, their dehydrating habits return, along with their puffy eyes and dark under eye circles.
A wonderful solution is to use the rubber band reminder. Get a pack of rubber bands and a 20-ounce standard size water bottle at any market. Every time you finish a bottle, wrap a rubber band around the empty bottle. Next, fill it up again and repeat the process until your bottle has four rubber bands on it. That way, youll know that you have consumed exactly 8 ten-ounce glasses of water that day. Do this for 30 days straight and youll find yourself addicted to doing it, as in addition to the cosmetic benefits it offers, your overall health will start improving.
Any drawbacks? One – the bathroom will see a lot more of you:-).
Any other benefits? You bet! Because the person looking back at you in that bathroom mirror will be grinning wider and wider, as your puffy eyes and dark under eye circles start fading over the weeks.
For more ways to dramatically reduce puffy eyes and dark under eye circles, visit the authors Site Of The Quarter. This is a site the author chooses as his top anti-aging solution web site 4 times per year.
When visiting this site, you can be assured that you will be presented with information and/or a product that has been thoroughly researched, and separated from hundreds of similar sites that didnt meet the authors criteria for excellence in anti-aging in this case; excellence in its ability to diminish puffy eyes and dark under eye circles. To visit this site, click the link below (where it says About The Author).
About the Author: Tommy Engan is a successful health and beauty writer that specializes in anti aging. Click:
puffy eyes
for more of Tommy’s suggestions to dramatically reduce puffy eyes and dark under eye circles.
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